Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 09

MOM: Patty said you should go on match dot com.
BRE (stunned): Mom. You're MARRIED.
MOM: Not ME. Kelly!
BRE: Oh. I was going to say- he's sitting RIGHT THERE!
DAD: I know I'm in la-la land, but I'm not that far out.
BRE: You didn't even react!
DAD: Whatever. As long as it doesn't cost me money.


BRE: And I was like, "Aren't people that meditate supposed to be less judgmental?"


BRE: He was like, "You're using I statements. That means you're looking inward." And I said, "Okay, well BRENNA THINKS..."


BRE: They asked what I was doing this summer and I said, "Oh, I'm TA-ing at Stanford." I didn't mention it was with fourth and fifth graders.


BRE: His car is keeping us together. His car and the G.I. bill.


AMY: Why are you starting therapy?
KELLY: Umm.... WHY??? Where have you been the last 20 years?


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