Monday, January 23, 2006

January 04, 2006 - Stressed about Relaxing
KEVIN: There's this guy that I work with that's like Napolean Dynomite. The reason he's like Napolean Dynomite is because he'll be like "I got into Harvard but I decided not to go there" and I'm like "and what then you went wolverine hunting in alaska?"


KEVIN: This guy would just not believe me that (some country) sets their currency to the US dollar. It's like "ok there are two kinds of questions in the world- those you can look up on google and those you can't. This is one of those questions you can easily google."


(I'm trying to read "Rise of the Creative Class" based on Matt and Kevin's recommendation)

KELLY: Wow Kevin- that's so creative class!
MATT: Kevin's SO creative class.
KEVIN: The creativity is just dripping off of me so much that you could mop it with a....(long pause)
KELLY: A mop?
KEVIN: Yeah. A mop.
KELLY: That wasn't very creative.


KELLY: After watching season two of the L Word, seriously, John, the best thing you ever did for me was tell me not to buy that poncho last year.
JOHN: Yeah I remember that conversation. I was like "what IS a poncho?" and you tried to explain it to me and I didn't really get it but I was like "I don't know Kelly. That doesn't sound very good."
KELLY: And thank god for that. If it weren't for that I would have been walking around Madison last year in a giant poncho looking like Tina carrying my lesbian's black baby.


JOHN: I got yelled at for leaving dishes in the kitchen. I wonder if it's like the GRE- like leaving the dishes in the kitchen is to verbal lashing, as leaving dishes in the living room is to public hanging.


You speak spanish fluently now?
CARRIE: pretty much.
KELLY: Oh! say something in spanish!
CARRIE: No. There that was spanish.


(about my massage)
KELLY: Well, ONE: I get stressed out about relaxing.
MATT: That should be your motto. You should have that scroll at the bottom of your blog.


(Steve was my massage therapist. It's 20 minutes after I got home from my first massage and it's quiet at my house)
KELLY: I miss Steve.


(matt bought a giant pillow at Ikea that's 28" x 28" and they don't sell a lot of pillowcases that size anywhere)
KELLY: Well, did you try to go online?
MATT: Yeah, but I don't want to invest that much in a pillowcase.
KELLY: I've already invested more in this conversation about a pillowcase than I'd like to.


Kelly: When I first came to Milwaukee I didn't know what a grill was.
Trudy: What's a grill?
Kelly: It's that gold and stuff that men put on their teeth.
Trudy: Oh. Ron has a grill.


(this boy really likes amy but she doesn't like him and he won't take a simple no. She reads his away message and it's song lyrics that say stuff like "I shared your dreams, I shared your bed blah blah...")
AMY (to boy via IM): We never did any of that.


DAD: I saw your boyfriend at the bowling alley today.
AMY: Did you tell him to shoo?

(after reading amy's online conversation with above mentioned boy)
KELLY: What's a slore?
AMY: Slut slash whore.


(Dad's opening mail)
KELLY: Come on, dad! How come you always want to hang out with Amy? Let's hang out!
DAD (after looking at a piece of mail that's a parking ticket I incurred): This! This is why we can't be friends! (gets up and leaves room)

PUBLIC ASSISTANCE LADY: Okay and what's your roommate's birthdate?
KELLY: Oh gosh, I don't know. It's not on that form?
KELLY: Um, well, do you want me to call her?
LADY (obviously perterbed): Just guess.
KELLY: Guess?
LADY: Like we know she was born in 1981 because she's 25.
KELLY: Okay...
LADY: Nevermind I'll do it.


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