KELLY: I don't think he's as cool as I thought he was...
JOHN: His name is Supreme, Kelly. Don't date anyone named after Taco Bell items.
KELLY: ...and his kids were there...
MAGGY: What are his kids named? Nacho? (laughs at herself for a minute and a half) Softshell-Taco?
SHAKIR: You suck at everything in life. Except having freckles- you're good at having freckles.
MOM: She said her son's hobby is going to different places around town and finding alternate ways to get there.
KELLY: He must like pot.
DAD: Oh yeah, I've been there. He's smokin the doobie and takin the long way.
KELLY: Are you sure it's okay if we drink these?
AMY: Sure. Jayme knows them.
KELLY: Jayme, are these friends of yours? Who are these people?
JAYME: The old people!
(kelly snuggles next to brenna and says "oar" which is this thing she says when she's snuggly)
KELLY: Does Kasey know about "oar?"
B: No.
KASEY: Yes I do. One time she was like, "oar" and I was like, "what?" and she said, "oh, that's what I say when I'm getting comfortable."
ALECIA: You're gay.
KIM: I'm not! I'm just saying that if Maggie was a dude (claps hands) I'd holla.
(days later)
KATY: Yeah, Maggy wouldn't stop talking about that at family dinner. I really wish you wouldn't have told her that.
(person I don't like is talking. I'm listening, but inadvertently making a terrible face while I'm staring at her.)
JALONNA: (taking a drink of water) FIX YOUR FACE!