Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the banana peel

MARY: You should see this mother. She's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.


JALONNA: ...and how's someone gonna be like, "I hear you were in BB's office eating oatmeal this morning"? Damn, you gotta get all up in my BOWL and talk about it?


J's friend: Who's G--?
JALONNA: The one who be wearin summer shit all winter.
J's friend: Who's J--?
JALONNA: The one who be wearin after-five shit to work.
JALONNA: Please. Tell me you didn't see her in that tube top and want to just cry.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Smokin the doobie and takin the long way

KELLY: I don't think he's as cool as I thought he was...
JOHN: His name is Supreme, Kelly. Don't date anyone named after Taco Bell items.


KELLY: ...and his kids were there...
MAGGY: What are his kids named? Nacho? (laughs at herself for a minute and a half) Softshell-Taco?


SHAKIR: You suck at everything in life. Except having freckles- you're good at having freckles.


MOM: She said her son's hobby is going to different places around town and finding alternate ways to get there.
KELLY: He must like pot.
DAD: Oh yeah, I've been there. He's smokin the doobie and takin the long way.


KELLY: Are you sure it's okay if we drink these?
AMY: Sure. Jayme knows them.
KELLY: Jayme, are these friends of yours? Who are these people?
JAYME: The old people!


(kelly snuggles next to brenna and says "oar" which is this thing she says when she's snuggly)

KELLY: Does Kasey know about "oar?"
B: No.
KASEY: Yes I do. One time she was like, "oar" and I was like, "what?" and she said, "oh, that's what I say when I'm getting comfortable."


ALECIA: You're gay.
KIM: I'm not! I'm just saying that if Maggie was a dude (claps hands) I'd holla.

(days later)

KATY: Yeah, Maggy wouldn't stop talking about that at family dinner. I really wish you wouldn't have told her that.


(person I don't like is talking. I'm listening, but inadvertently making a terrible face while I'm staring at her.)

JALONNA: (taking a drink of water) FIX YOUR FACE!