MS. MORRISON (to class): If you're wondering why I'm dressed this way it's because I'm going to the gym after this so I can get stronger so I can hurt children.
MS. MORRISON: You can stop tapping your pencil now. We all know you're here. If it's attention you want I'll give you attention. I'll KILL YOU WITH ATTENTION.
MS. MORRISON: Where was he?
KELLY: He had a "family crisis."
MS. M: Oh please. A family crisis? I've been teaching thirty years and I've never had to leave because of a "family crisis." People have DIED...people have gone MISSING...but it hasn't been a CRISIS.
MS. POS: Where is he now?
KELLY: Oh, he came back.
MS. M: Oh, so it was just one of those "thirty minute family crisises."