NICK (pointing to an old couple watching the sunset): You know what I can't help thinking about when I see those two? A viagra commercial. "If you're snorkling and have had an erection for more than five out for the barricuda."
AMY: I feel like they think our family's a drunken shit show.
LUIS: Feliz Navidad.
BRENNA: Dude, this is way fucking better than any Navidad I've ever had.
DAD: I named a dog named after "Jumping Jack Flash." It still makes me sick to think about giving that dog away.
KELLY: Why did you?
DAD: I was in no condition to take care of a dog.
KELLY: That didn't stop you from having kids.
(it's raining. hard. a waiter walks by.)
NICK: Say Kelly- can you ask him if he has an ark?
(dad has a fanny pack)
NICK (to desk worker): Tell me something. In Mexico, does having a fanny pack mean the same as it does in the US?
FELIPE: I don't understand.
NICK: Well, does it mean that you're
AMY: I guess it's true what they say: tequila really does make your clothes fall off.